Mouth Care Matters factsheets for people with neuro-disabilities available

The neuro-disability oral health factsheets were developed by a multi-disciplinary team at the Royal Hospital for Neuro-disability. They provide information and guidance for health care professionals on maintaining good oral health.

People with a neuro-disability are more susceptible to problems with their mouths and providing oral care can sometimes be challenging.

Ten factsheets are available covering the following topics:

Supporting people with a neuro-disability to maintain good oral health

Cleaning the mouth of an adult with a Neuro-Disability

Dry mouth in adults with a neuro-disability

Lip and tongue biting in people with a neuro-disability

Oral Hypersensitivity

Reduced saliva control in adults with a neuro-disability (drooling)

Care-resistant behavior towards mouth care in people with a neuro-disability

Mouth care for people with Huntington’s disease

Safe Oral Suctioning in Adults with a Neuro-disability

Denture care for adults with a neuro-disability


Each factsheet covers the key points and also provides practical information on how to support people to maintain a clean and comfortable mouth.

You can view the factsheets online or download them by following the above links.

For further information, please contact the dental team at the Royal Hospital for Neuro-disability at