I would like to roll out Mouth Care Matters in my Hospital. Is there any training sessions I can attend? 

Unfortunately we no longer have funding to deliver anymore Mouth Care Matters training sessions. We have a wide range of resources available on our website which you can download and use in your trust for education and on the wards. 

Do you offer private training or training for Care Homes? 

We do not offer private training sessions, or training for care home staff. However, there are companies that do offer this training which can be found by searching online. 

I see you have resources for Adults, Children and Nero Disability, do you have training resources for Care Homes? 

Sadly we do not have resources developed specifically for Care Homes, However we feel that many of our resources can we used and adapted to suit this setting. 

Where can I access the Mouth Care Matters resources? 

A wide range of links to resources are available here on our website, under the Links and Resources section you will also find tabs regarding Adults, Children and the Neuro Disability streams of MCM. These resources can be downloaded and modified as needed. 

I know you are not delivering training but is there anything I can use to tell me where to start with Mouth Care Matters? 

Yes! We have created a very useful Toolkit – Which is an essential tool for anyone wishing to set up an oral health improvement program in their place of work. This toolkit covers everything from making a change on one ward, to implementing change across a whole trust or organisation.  

Is there a standardised tool for mouth care assessment and recording? 

The MCM teams have created a Mouth Care Pack – comprehensive and shortened versions are available under the MCM or Mini MCM Resources tabs, as well as an alternative version for care home settings. These may need to be amended based on individual trust/setting needs. 

How do we measure MCM success in our trust? 

You can find a selection of different Audits in the Toolkit, which includes a set of baseline audits, looking at documentation and recording, patient experience, nursing knowledge and experience, as well as a product audit. This toolkit is applicable to most settings, however you may need to amend the audit tools to suit your trust/organisation. 

I am really interested in improving oral health in my trust but I’m worried I won’t have enough time. What can I do to make this possible? 

In an ideal world every trust would have a dedicated member of staff as an MCM lead, like there are specialist nurses for other subjects, such as Tissue Viability, Falls Prevention etc however we understand this is not always possible. In our toolkit we have included advice and guidance on the best ways to make a change and who to get involved on both a small and larger scale, as well as ways to deliver training and spread positive oral health messages in your place of work. 

If I have any queries, who can I contact?

If you have any questions which have not been answered here please contact us on our email, it will be directed to someone who can signpost or answer your question.
