Mouth Care Matters Announces Networking Day in London.
Mouth Care Matters (MCM) has been successfully piloted across Kent, Surrey and Sussex; and has further engaged with over sixty Trusts in England focusing on improving oral health. We are now delighted to invite participating MCM Trusts for a Mouth Care Matters Networking Day at Stewart House in London on Tuesday 9th July 2019.
The day will provide an overview of the work that has been carried out as part of the Mouth Care Matters initiative; followed by round table discussions focusing on successes, challenges and new ideas to improve oral health for hospitalised patients. This networking day is aimed at health care professionals who have been working to improve the quality of mouth care in hospitals. We would like to invite leads/champions from all participating Trusts to come together for this event. We would also like to welcome other stakeholders who are passionate about improving mouth care or who have been working on improving oral health in their care setting.
Many of the Trusts we have engaged with have gone on to develop further ideas and/or adapt the training we’ve provided. This day is an opportunity to learn from other participants and share ideas. It is also a chance to engage and network with other colleagues.
To register your interest, click here.